My wife (74 years old) had cataract surgery at Kohmura Ganka (, Ophthalmology) in Miyakojima-shi.
The day after our arrival (3 hours flight from Hanrda, Tokyo) she had eye test and preparatory explanation. Next day was scheduled for operation, but canceled due to typhoon No. 25. After the typhoon left Miyakojima, she had a cataract surgery operation successfully. For four days a
fter the operation she cannot wash face and needs to keep using ophthalmic solution for about one month. You need to avoid infection. Next day she had a medical check for the eye.
There was no problem. We could go out for sight seeing before and after the operation.
She could enjoy emerald color sea of Miyakojima.
It is surprising how cataract surgery improved. Hard but flexible acrylic resin is replaced for
clouded eye lens. In her case acrylic resin for her shortsightedness is used. Her clouded eye lens was resolved into four pieces and absorbed by thin tube.
After the operation my wife mentioned that her left sight is very clear and the wrinkles of my
face is now clearly seen. She said that she needs another operation for her right eye.
The picture is for our memory with my sun, Morio, ophthalmologist.私の妻(74歳)が宮古島市のこうむら眼科で白内障手術