つる紫陽花、Vine Hydrangeaブナ, Beechヤマツツジ、Torch Azalea天城シャクナゲ、Amagi Rhododendron池辺にて、By the pond銀竜草、 Silver Dragon Grassヤマグルマ、手引頭にて、Trochodenndron at Tebiki gashiraテングダケ、Amanitaceaeサルノコシカケ、 Ganodermataceae//価格 2,000円、送料180円、 Price ¥2,000, & Mailing cost based on actual cost abroad
A4サイズ、Original Print 版 10部限定、50,000円、 送料 370円
A4 Size, Original Print version, Edition 10, Price ¥50,000, & Mailing cost, ¥370 in Japan, Actual mailing cost , abroad.
A Group Exhibition of 10 artists
Period: May 4-May 25 Reception May 6, 6-8 pm.
Place: Agora Gallery, 530 West 25th Street, New York, NY, US
The exhibition consists of 10 artists who are represented by Agora Gallery, painters and photographer.
I displays 5 pictures from the Flowers in the Sea series.