My wife (74 years old) had cataract surgery at Kohmura Ganka (, Ophthalmology) in Miyakojima-shi.
The day after our arrival (3 hours flight from Hanrda, Tokyo) she had eye test and preparatory explanation. Next day was scheduled for operation, but canceled due to typhoon No. 25. After the typhoon left Miyakojima, she had a cataract surgery operation successfully. For four days after the operation she cannot wash face and needs to keep using ophthalmic solution for about one month. You need to avoid infection. Next day she had a medical check for the eye.
There was no problem. We could go out for sight seeing before and after the operation.
She could enjoy emerald color sea of Miyakojima.
It is surprising how cataract surgery improved. Hard but flexible acrylic resin is replaced for
clouded eye lens. In her case acrylic resin for her shortsightedness is used. Her clouded eye lens was resolved into four pieces and absorbed by thin tube.
After the operation my wife mentioned that her left sight is very clear and the wrinkles of my
face is now clearly seen. She said that she needs another operation for her right eye.
The picture is for our memory with my sun, Morio, ophthalmologist.私の妻(74歳)が宮古島市のこうむら眼科で白内障手術 を受けました。羽田からの3時間のフライトで宮古空港に つきましたが、翌日、目の検査と白内障手術の説明を受け ました。翌日、手術予定でしたが、台風25号のため延期 され、翌日手術を受けました。手術は成功で、翌日には点 検の診察を受けましたが、問題はありませんでした。手術 後は4日間は顔を洗えませんし、およそ1ヶ月は目薬を点 し続ける必要があります。手術後の感染を避ける必要があ ります。
手術の前後、我々は宮古島観光をすることができました。 宮古島のエメラルド色の海がとりわけ綺麗に見えたようで す。
白内障手術の進歩は驚くものです。硬いアクリル樹脂が濁 った眼のレンズに置き換えられるのですが、濁ったレンズ を4つに分解して細い管で吸い取り、代わりに、彼女の場 合には彼女の近眼の度数にあったアクリル樹脂を挿入しま した。
手術の後、手術をした左の目ははっきり見えるようになり 、私の顔のシワがはっきりしたとのこと。今度は右目の手 術もする必要がある、とは彼女の弁。
The day after our arrival (3 hours flight from Hanrda, Tokyo) she had eye test and preparatory explanation. Next day was scheduled for operation, but canceled due to typhoon No. 25. After the typhoon left Miyakojima, she had a cataract surgery operation successfully. For four days after the operation she cannot wash face and needs to keep using ophthalmic solution for about one month. You need to avoid infection. Next day she had a medical check for the eye.
There was no problem. We could go out for sight seeing before and after the operation.
She could enjoy emerald color sea of Miyakojima.
It is surprising how cataract surgery improved. Hard but flexible acrylic resin is replaced for
clouded eye lens. In her case acrylic resin for her shortsightedness is used. Her clouded eye lens was resolved into four pieces and absorbed by thin tube.
After the operation my wife mentioned that her left sight is very clear and the wrinkles of my
face is now clearly seen. She said that she needs another operation for her right eye.
The picture is for our memory with my sun, Morio, ophthalmologist.私の妻(74歳)が宮古島市のこうむら眼科で白内障手術

at Komura-Ganka
— with Katsuko Komura and Morio Kohmura.
Coral reef around Shimojishima airport